miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

Ray González, one you should know more

A young Ray González with the WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship

                Through the years, the Puerto Rican wrestling scene, has given a lot of high caliber performers. From Pedro Morales, Carlos Colón and José Miguel Pérez Sr; to Mike Mendoza, Angel Fashion and Mecha Wolf 450. A lot of them have been in WWF/E: Savio Vega, Huracán Castillo Jr, Miguel Pérez, José Estrada Jr, Carlito, Primo, Epico and Eric Escobar, among others. Yet, there’s a wrestler that has been vital to Puerto Rican wrestling, one that, maybe, not a lot of current wrestling fans know; I’m talking about “Mr. Raytings” Ray González.

                I could work a biography here, but for that we have online pages as Wikipedia or many others. My intention here is to give you my opinion as to why Ray González is the best wrestler from Puerto Rico, tha you probably don’t know. Many would argue that Ray González is X or Y as a person; many hate him as a wrestlers, many love him as a wrestler. Me, I’ll try to be as objective as I can in the next few paragraphs in order to accomplish that.

Ray González with the WWC Univesal Heavyweight Championship

                Through his career, González, has managed to capture the Puerto Rican fans’ attention. His demeanor and charisma catapulted him to the highest spheres of the local wrestling scene; and to me that’s not surprising. González has always carried himself as a star, a superstar indeed. Whenever his music hit the sound systems, fans got out of their chairs and paid attention. When the rumors of his departure from WWC to IWA started circulating, that was arguably the one thing fans talked about. That’s how big Ray González was at the time, that whatever he did was enough to make people talk about it. In fact, González is one of the few wrestlers to keep his main event status in both WWC and IWA at the time; which puts him in a select group of wrestlers, and it’s a fact that just mentioning his name was enough to secure a good gate.

Ray González as the IWA Heavyweight Champion

                We could describe Ray González as the total package, what every wrestling promoter would want from a performer. His character wasn’t that far off from what Ric Flair and Rick Rude were at their time; his demeanor, his flow, the way he dressed… yet, he managed to own those aspects and transform them to his favor. Inside the ring, for little old me, he was a master of his craft. The way he utilized ring psychology in order to lure the fans into everything he did, in order to elicit a reaction, was something few local wrestlers have been able to master. That ability to manipulate a reaction, was what catapulted a young Carly Colón (Carlito) towards stardom; arguably, without González, there would be no Carlito.

Ray González and Vampiro

                Sadly, for whatever reason, González wouldn’t have a long run in any international promotion; he did have bookings in Mexico and Japan. Wikipedia cites the store his father had in his hometown as the reason; González himself, in an interview for Contralona, cites a bit of fear and personal reasons for never stepping foot in a promotion outside of Puerto Rico for a long run. Which is the reason I see for many fans outside of the Island not knowing about his in ring and microphone prowess. Without a doubt, a prime Ray González would’ve been a big star outside of the Island, as, once again, he was the total package.
Ray González and his son Ray González Jr

                González is still active in WWC, yet for many fans he’s not the same man he once was. Obviously, age is not a wrestler’s biggest fan and few are able to keep themselves at a peak level of athleticism past certain age. Many fans in the Island would argue that it’s time for González to hang up his boots and let his son be the one to carry the legacy; but I feel there’s still a place for a guy like González in wrestling, someone with that much charisma and that much knowledge shouldn’t just retire and go off into the sunset. His mic work could benefit many up and coming wrestlers here and that alone merits him a place as an active performer. Yet, even if he retires today, there’s no denying the place “Mr. Raytings” Ray González had, has and will have in Puerto Rican wrestling.

The following are a couple of his matches, interviews (Contralona), and what not. Most are in Spanish, so, watch it, if not for anything else… just for the visuals.

An In Character interview about González's career so far. (in Spanish)

González talks about his career in Puerto Rico and why he didn't go out of the Island.

*Check that pop when he does unmask*

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